IEC 61968 [1] is a series of standards under development that will define standards for information exchanges between electrical distribution systems. These standards are being developed by Working Group 14 of Technical Committee 57 of the IEC (IEC TC 57 WG14). IEC 61968 is intended to support the inter-application integration of a utility enterprise that needs to collect data from different applications that are legacy or new and each has different interfaces and run-time environments. IEC 61968 defines interfaces for all the major elements of an interface architecture for Distribution Management Systems (DMS) & is intended to be implemented with middleware services that broker messages among applications.
Contents |
The CIM model defines the following packages and objects for DMS inline with 61968.
ActivityRecord Agreement Document ElectronicAddress GeoLocation Location Organisation PositionPoint TelephoneNumber TimePoint TimeSchedule UserAttribute
DistributionLineSegment DistributionTapChanger DistributionTransformer DistributionTransformerWinding PerLengthPhaseImpedance
Asset AssetContainer AssetFunction ComMediaAsset ElectricalInfo Seal
AssetModel CableInfo ConcentricNeutralCableInfo ConductorInfo DistributionWindingTest EndDeviceModel OpenCircuitTest OverheadConductorInfo ShortCircuitTest TapeShieldCableInfo ToWindingSpec TransformerInfo WindingInfo WireArrangement WireType
WorkKind Work
Customer CustomerAccount CustomerAgreement PricingStructure ServiceCategory ServiceLocation Tariff
ComFunction DemandResponseProgram DeviceFunction ElectricMeteringFunction EndDeviceAsset EndDeviceControl EndDeviceEvent EndDeviceGroup IntervalBlock IntervalReading MeterAsset MeterReading MeterServiceWork Pending Reading ReadingQuality ReadingType Register SDPLocation ServiceDeliveryPoint
RemoteConnectDisconnectInfo ConnectDisconnectFunction
AccountMovement AccountingUnit BankAccountDetail Due LineDetail AuxiliaryAccount AuxiliaryAgreement Card Cashier CashierShift Charge Cheque ConsumptionTariffInterval MerchantAccount MerchantAgreement PointOfSale Receipt ServiceSupplier Shift TariffProfile Tender TimeTariffInterval Transaction Transactor Vendor VendorShift